Posts From Author: e.g. scott
Seriously Questioning…E.G. Scott
Elizabeth Keenan and Greg Wands write together as E.G. Scott. Their first novel The Woman Inside came out earlier this year. Keenan is a writer and publishing consultant based in New York City. She has worked in book publishing for eighteen years for imprints of Simon & Schuster, Penguin Random House, and Macmillan. Wands writes for the page and screen and is excited to have a television series and feature film project in the works in addition to the novel. On March 26, they will be speaking at House of SpeakEasy’s Seriously Entertaining show, Seeing Blindly, alongside Patrick Radden Keefe, Safiya Sinclair, and Aatish Taseer. We spoke to Elizabeth and Greg ahead of the show. What is your earliest memory involving reading or writing? Greg: Saving up chore money to buy books at the book fair in my elementary school gymnasium. Liz: The excitement of being allowed to order as many books as I wanted on the Scholastic order form in first grade, and feeling pure joy when they arrived. What is your favorite line from your current work? Greg: “The best thing about being dead is that no one suspects you when bodies start turning up.” Liz: “My wife and I are different types of liars.” What is your favorite first […]
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